Ultra fast keto boost : So many Diets And Weight Loss Methods

The Military Diet - How It Works, Menu and Tips

With so many diets and weight loss methods out there, it's a bit tricky to choose the best diet program to achieve Ultra fast keto boost weight loss, right? This is why it is important to know the various weight loss methods before opting for one of them.

To help, let's present one of these food programs below: the military diet. Let's learn how to do it, how it works and get to know the menu of this eating plan.

How does the military diet work?

The military diet, also known as the three-day diet, promises the elimination of approximately 4.5 kg within just one week. The method is to follow a diet for three days a week and spend the remaining four days without following the diet. The idea is to repeat the cycle until you achieve the desired weight loss.

Proponents of the diet claim that it was designed by US Army nutritionists as a way to quickly get soldiers in shape. Ultra fast keto boost Reviews However, officially the food program is not associated with any government or military institution.

The method provides a low calorie intake. On the first day, he proposes to consume 1,400 calories. The determination is still to consume 1,200 calories on the second and ingest 1,100 calories on the third day of the week.

These first three days consist of only three meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and no snacking is allowed throughout the day.

For the remaining four days of the week, the indication of the military diet is to eat healthy, but keep calorie consumption low. For these days there are no restrictions on food groups; Snacks are allowed throughout the day, however, it is recommended not to consume more than 1,500 calories.

Important cautions

Before following any dietary program, which includes the military diet, consult with your doctor and nutritionist to make sure it is really the most appropriate method for you and get advice on how to best diet. .

This is because more important than losing weight quickly is to lose weight in a healthy way, while preventing the unwanted concertina effect, where the lost weight is regained again.

See also: Concertina Effect - How It Works and How to Avoid .

Such care becomes especially important in relation to the military diet due to the fact that the food program provides for low calorie intake and only three meals during a certain period.

The maximum reduction a person Ultra fast keto boost Weight loss should have in their daily caloric intake is 1000 calories. And if you take into account that a person normally consumes 2,000 calories a day, the loss of 600 to 900 calories, as proposed in the military diet, is not exactly small. Thus care must be taken that nutritional deficiencies do not occur.

In addition, if diet is combined with regular exercise that maximizes caloric expenditure, extra care must be taken with food, making sure that even if you consume only 1100 to 1440 calories, enough energy will be available. perform physical activities.

When followed for a short time, the military diet is unlikely to cause health problems, but when practiced for months, it carries the risk of nutritional deficiencies, especially for those who do not consume healthy foods such as vegetables in the four days of the diet. .

 Another problem is that by not proposing a dietary education but a caloric reduction over a period of time, you can not expect the weight loss obtained from the food program to be lasting and there is a chance to quickly regain the weight eliminated through the military diet.

The Antioxidant Diet - How It Works, Menu and Tips

Foods with antioxidant action are those that have the ability to fight free radicals. Produced due to poor diet, Visit Our webpage stress, solar radiation, smoking and pollution, these substances attack the body causing diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and promote aging.